A Message from Jake

Some of you may have noticed that the blog has gone quiet. This is not intentional but is due to a few problems.

Some of you may be aware of the political unrest in Thailand. If not, it seems that the Red Shirts, who are supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra the deposed Premier, are trying to force an election to ultimately force the Yellow Shirts out of power. Couple this unrest with the fact that the Thai King has been in hospital after an extended illness and you can see the disruption this may cause. I recommend the Political Prisoners in Thailand website (http://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/) for news about what is going on there.

Incidentally despite warning UK travellers of the possibility of bomb and grenades in Central Bangkok and of trouble in other outlying areas, the FCO is only advising travellers to exercise extra caution. (http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/travel-advice-by-country/asia-oceania/thailand). I mean we wouldn’t want to harm the tourist trade now would we?

Since January we, the supporters of Gary have been unable to get letters and parcels through to him, and he to us. We don’t know why and letters and emails to the British Embassy in Thailand and Prisoners Abroad here in the UK have been met with Silence. We can only speculate the reasons that his mail isn’t getting through when post to other prisoners in Bang Kwang is getting through with no issues.

We received one letter from him just two days ago however. In it he stated he had been hit over the head with a glass bottle by another prisoner and had had to spend time in D12, the hospital block. He has a concussion and difficulty seeing through one eye but assures us he is getting better and has been released back to his cell in D2.

The attacker it seems wanted to be moved from the prison block D2 due to the fact he owed money and under the rules if he attacked someone, the prison authorities would move him. So he knifed some poor individual last week and when he wasn’t moved, attacked Gary this week.

Normal Service will be resumed as soon as possible, we hope

Be Well



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