An Introduction

Gary Graeme Jones is a prisoner in Bang Kwang Prison. The infamous Bangkok Hilton. So many people have heard of it but do not realise what a nightmare that name conjures. I have never been there, I have never been to Thailand and from what I have heard of the place I never wish to go.

My partner read a book, The Angel of Bang Kwang by an American, Susan Aldous (ISBN-10: 1905379323). In this book was detailed the issues that all the prisoners have to deal with from day to day, bribery, corruption, lack of food, lack of sanitation and an unbelievable harsh regime. In this book Susan Aldous said the best way to help is to write to someone there. We picked Gary from the Foreign Prisoner Support Service ( The website describes Bang Kwang as "a Maximum Security Prison which holds inmates who are serving more than 25 years" It also says "Overcrowding is an understatement as 20 or more inmates sleep side by side in small concrete cells with a bare bulb shining all night long. An open shit hole in the corner which all the men use. Originally built to hold a few thousand inmates, it now holds over 8000. "
Other books we have read since have also described the same conditions, in a land that describes itself as the "land of smiles".

Many will get this far and say "well they did the crime and so they do the time" but actually its not that simple. Corruption is rife amongst the judiciary and the police forces. Many foreigners (Farangs) are found guilty of crimes they did not commit based on planted "evidence." Each time a Farang is found guilty of a drugs offence the arresting police officer gets a bounty of many thousands of Baht. This can amount to up to at least 5 years worth of salary for an individual.

Once the arrest has been made the prisoner is shackled and locked away in a holding prison (usually Bombat). In this time in the holding cells the prisoners can be shackled to a bar for many days. Court appearances are made in shackles and all the proceedings carried out in Thai. In many cases the prisoner is not allowed an interpreter and only a lawyer who is disinterested in them and their case. Many also plead guilty as the options are as follows. Plead guilty and get a heavy sentence, plead innocent and if found guilty its the death sentence. Admittedly if you have enough money you can pay to get out of most cases but sometimes that price is too high for an ordinary person.

Once found guilty (its a headline event if a Farang is found innocent) then you are taken in chains to prison. The shackles stay on indefinitely in direct contravention of the United Nations
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, Sections 33 and 34. Whilst may agencies in the UK and abroad accept that men are shackled they will always say that the shackles are removed upon appeal. What they dont mention is that this appeal can and does take many years and whilst bribery can help the chains do remain on 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the British Embassy in Thailand is the logical first choice for all Brits with an issue stuck in jail one would think. However, they (and other agencies) do not rock the boat. Tourism is big money in Thailand and for that and other reasons Consul staff do not interfere in anyway with the Judicial process. In fact in one case I found them downright unhelpful and when trying to lodge an appeal for a prisoner, they blocked the appeal every step of the way. The FCO basically are working under the instructions to never, ever question the Royal Thai Police in any way. Also don't bother them if you have pleaded guilty to a conviction as they will not be of a mind to help you. Catch 22?

The FCO do however give money to supply food for all British inmates (incidentally ask them how many Brits are in Thai jails, they dont know for sure). This money is to be used to buy food and goods for the inmates. However, this never makes it to the prisoners. Instead the guards pocket the money and substandard food is made available (you get rice you have to wash before eating even though it is cooked). Then the wives of the guards cook healthier food which the inmates have to buy. The obvious solution is to get friends and relatives to send food? Well yes but Farangs are not, under any circumstances, allowed to cook food. They have to employ another Thai inmate to do thier cooking for them.

So this is Gary's Blog. Gary is a British Citizen, Married to a Thai with four adopted kids. He was born in 1950 and is doing Life for the exporting of 2.4Kg of heroin. Thats the website info. we have found Gary to be articulate, intelligent and extremely outspoken in the treatment of prisoners, not just in the Thai jails but everywhere in the world. As we go on we will post stuff that Gary has written in letters, descriptions of his fellow prisoners, pictures where possible and gradually we will get a picture of him and his life.

Hope you enjoy it.


An addendum from Gary - 9/10/2017.

Originally I supposed that these blog entries would be viewed  from areas where English was the lingua Franca. Since being released I have had chance to both review and directly input the blog entries; from prison, neither option was easily available. In addition, Blogger provides a section on the demographics of my audience. To my very pleasant surprise I find that I attract not only native English speakers, but those from diverse linguistic regions such as (mainly); French, German, Russian and Chinese also.

With the assistance of Google Translate, I have since decided to prepare a "Brief Thumbnail of Bang Kwang" Further,  have taken the liberty, for this page, to translate the synopsis into; French, German, Russian and Chinese. I hope it meets with your approval. Please email me to let me know how the translations hold up.

First the English version:
The Jaws of Hell
There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand. Envisioned by King Rama V (1853-1910), and created between the years of 1927 and 1931. It was built not to be an ordinary prison, but a penitentiary for the worst offenders who are awaiting sentences of the Appeal Court and or Surpreme Court, inmates who were sentenced to remain in prison between 33+ years to life, and death sentence prisoners who waited for executions.  

Over its long history Bang Kwang Central Prison became well known around Thailand and Asia as one of the harshest prisons in the world, with conditions that caused many prisoners to loose either their life or their sanity. Officially for the first 3 months of that an inmate stays there, they are to be chained with leg irons. This causes a significant moral blow as well as  reducing the capability to move. Inmates sentenced to death sentence are chained in leg irons permanently, before they met their end either by firing squad or recently by lethal injection. In reality, shackles remain in place until the inmate has the funds to bribe the screws to remove them.
As one of the central prisons of Thailand, Bang Kwang often housed foreign prisoners who carried the stories about terrible conditions outside back to their homelands. The most fascinating aspect of the prison lifestyle was its internal class system, called the chit system. In it, prisoners received food according to their standings with the cantina where only one bowl of rice and vegetable food was given freely. Everything else had to be purchased, which enabled wealthier prisoners to employ cohorts and servants out of prisoners, who worked for them in exchange for more food. In more recent years, this forced foreign prisoners to establish their own charity drives aimed just to provide them with enough money for better food. This procedure is still rigidly enforced for Farang (Foreign) inmates. 

In the May of 2013, officials at the Department of Corruptions were ordered by the Dika (Supreme) court to stop this practice. Just 563 inmates (mainly housed in Klong Prem) out of some 350,000 to maybe as many as half a million from their leg jewellery. This widely popularized event was nothing but a PR con.  
Today Bang Kwang Central Prison is remembered in the popular culture of Asia as  “Big Tiger” (because its tendencies to eat and stalk prisoners). However, in the west, it's best known as the “Bangkok Hilton”; a name given to a fictional prison in popular Australian TV show (starring Nicole Kidman, Denholm Elliot and Hugo Weaving) that was allegedly based on Bang Kwang Central Prison. Bangkok Hilton in SE Asia refers to Klong Prem.

Now for the French:

Il y a quelques prisons dans le monde dont les conditions sont aussi dures que Bang Kwang Prison centrale, situé à la périphérie de Bangkok, en Thaïlande. Imaginé par le roi Rama V (1853-1910) et créé entre les années 1927 et 1931. Il a été construit pour ne pas être une prison ordinaire, mais un pénitencier pour les pires délinquants qui attendent les peines de la Cour d’appel et ou Surpreme Cour, détenus qui ont été condamnés à rester en prison entre 33 ans et plus à la vie et les prisonniers de peine de mort qui a attendu pour les exécutions.
Soixante Hommes Condamnes
Au cours de sa longue histoire la Prison centrale de Bang Kwang est devenu bien connue autour de Thaïlande et en Asie comme une des prisons plus dures au monde, avec des conditions qui a provoqué de nombreux prisonniers à perdre leur vie ou leur santé mentale. Officiellement pour les 3 premiers mois de ce détenu reste là, ils veulent être enchaînés avec fers. Cela provoque un choc moral important tout en réduisant la capacité de se déplacer. Les détenus condamnés à la peine de mort sont enchaînés en fers en permanence, avant de rencontrer à leur extrémité par un peloton d’exécution ou récemment par injection létale. En réalité, les manilles restent en place jusqu'à ce que le détenu ait les fonds pour corrompre les vis pour les enlever.
Parmi les prisons centrales de la Thaïlande, Bang Kwang logés souvent détenus étrangers qui ont des histoires à propos des conditions terribles à l’extérieur de retour dans leurs pays d’origine. L’aspect le plus fascinant de la vie de la prison était son système de classe interne, appelé le système de collet . Dans ce document, prisonniers ont reçu nourriture selon leur classement avec la cantina où seulement un bol de riz et légumes alimentaires a été donné librement. Tout le reste devait être acheté, qui a permis plus riches prisonniers d’employer des cohortes et serviteurs de prisonniers, qui travaillaient pour eux en échange de plus de nourriture. Plus ces dernières années, cela contraint des détenus étrangers d’établir leurs propres lecteurs de charité visant simplement à leur fournir assez d’argent pour se nourrir mieux. Cette procédure est toujours strictement appliquée pour les détenus de Farang (affaires étrangères).
Le mai de 2013, responsables du département de Corruptions ont été ordonnées par la Cour (suprême) Dika à cesser cette pratique. Détenus juste 563 (principalement logés dans Klong Prem) hors som 350 000 à peut-être jusqu'à un demi-million de leurs bijoux de jambe. Cet événement largement popularisé n’était rien d’autre qu’un con de PR.
Aujourd'hui la Prison centrale de Bang Kwang se souvient dans la culture populaire de l’Asie comme « Grand tigre » (parce que ses tendances à manger et à traquer les prisonniers). Toutefois, dans l’Ouest, il est surtout connu comme le « Bangkok Hilton » ; nom donné à une prison fictive à la populaire émission de télévision australienne (mettant en vedette Nicole Kidman, Denholm Elliot et Hugo Weaving) aurait été fondé sur la Prison centrale de Bang Kwang. Hilton Bangkok en Asie du sud-est se réfère à Klong Prem.

Next the German:
Es gibt einige wenige Haftanstalten in der Welt, deren Bedingungen so rau wie Bang Kwang Zentralgefängnis sind, befindet sich am Stadtrand von Bangkok, Thailand. Vorgestellt von König Rama v. (1853 – 1910), und zwischen den Jahren 1927 bis 1931 erstellt. Es wurde gebaut, nicht um ein gewöhnliches Gefängnis, sondern ein Gefängnis für die schlimmsten Übeltäter, die Sätze des Berufungsgerichts und oder Surpreme Court, Insassen, die verurteilt wurden, weiterhin im Gefängnis zwischen 33 + Jahre zum Leben und Tod Satz Häftlinge warteten warten für Hinrichtungen.
Im Laufe seiner langen Geschichte wurde Bang Kwang Zentralgefängnis in Thailand und Asien bekannt als einer der härtesten Gefängnisse der Welt, mit Bedingungen, die viele Gefangene ihr Leben oder ihre geistige Gesundheit zu verlieren verursacht. Offiziell für die ersten 3 Monate davon bleibt ein Insasse, sie gibt es mit Fußschellen gefesselt werden. Dies bewirkt einen erheblichen moralischen Schlag sowie die Verringerung der Fähigkeit zu bewegen. Häftlinge zu Tode verurteilt werden dauerhaft in Fußeisen verkettet, bevor sie ihr Ende trafen sich entweder durch ein Erschießungskommando, oder vor kurzem durch die Giftspritze. In Wirklichkeit bleiben Fesseln in Kraft, bis der Häftling die Mittel hat, um die Schrauben zu entfernen zu bestechen.
Shower Trough
Als einer der zentralen Gefängnisse von Thailand untergebracht Bang Kwang oft ausländische Häftlinge, die die Geschichten über schreckliche Bedingungen außerhalb zurück in ihre Heimatländer durchgeführt. Der faszinierendste Aspekt des Gefängnisses Lebensstils war seine internen Klassensystem, das Chit -System genannt. Dagegen erhielt Gefangenen Lebensmittel nach ihre Tabellenführung mit der Cantina, wo nur eine Schüssel mit Reis und Gemüse essen frei gegeben wurde. Alles andere musste erworben werden, aktiviert die wohlhabendere Gefangenen beschäftigen Kohorten und Diener aus Gefangenen, die im Austausch für mehr Nahrung für sie gearbeitet. In den letzten Jahren gezwungen dies ausländische Häftlinge, eigene Charity-Antriebe gerichtet, nur um sie mit genügend Geld für besseres Essen zu etablieren. Dieses Verfahren ist nach wie vor starr für Farang (Auswärtige) Insassen durchgesetzt.
Im Mai 2013 wurden Beamte bei der Abteilung Korruption von Dika (OGH) bestellt, diese Praxis zu unterbinden. Nur 563 Insassen (vor allem in Klong Prem untergebracht) aus Som 350.000 auf vielleicht mehr als eine halbe Million aus den Bein-Schmuck. Diese weithin populär Veranstaltung war nichts anderes als ein PR-Con.
Heute ist Bang Kwang Zentralgefängnis in der populären Kultur Asiens als "Big Tiger" erinnert (weil ihre Tendenzen zu essen und Stengel Gefangene). Im Westen ist es am besten bekannt als das "Bangkok Hilton"; ein Name für ein fiktives Gefängnis in beliebten australischen TV-Show (mit Nicole Kidman, Denholm Elliot und Hugo Weaving), die angeblich auf Bang Kwang Zentralgefängnis beruhte. Bangkok Hilton in Südostasien bezieht sich auf Klong Prem.

There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.
Let me try for Russian:
Есть несколько тюрем в мире, чьи условия являются столь суровы, как Bang Кван Центральной тюрьмы, расположен на окраине Бангкока, Таиланд. Предусмотрено Король Рама V (1853-1910) и создал между 1931 и годами 1927. Он был построен, чтобы не обычные тюрьмы, но тюрьме за самыми злостными нарушителями, которые ожидают приговоров Апелляционный суд и Верховный суд, заключенные, которые были приговорены к оставаться в тюрьме между 33 + годы жизни и смерть приговора заключенных, которые ждали для казни.
За свою долгую историю Bang Кван центральной тюрьме стал хорошо известен вокруг Таиланда и Азии как один из самых суровых тюрем в мире, с условиями, которые привели многих заключенных потерять их жизни или их вменяемости. Официально за первые 3 месяца этого заключенного остается там, они должны быть соединены с ножные кандалы. Это вызывает значительный моральный удар, а также снижает возможность двигаться. Заключенных, приговоренных к смертной казни являются закованная в кандалы постоянно, прежде чем они выполнили свои цели, расстрел или недавно путем смертельной инъекции. В действительности оков остаются в силе до тех пор, пока заключенный имеет средства, чтобы подкупить винты, чтобы удалить их.
Daily Food Serving
Как один из центральных тюрьмах Таиланда Bang Кван часто размещается заключенных-иностранцев, которые совершили рассказы об ужасных условиях за пределами обратно на родину. Наиболее увлекательный аспект образа жизни тюрьмы был своей системы внутреннего класса, называемые чит системы. В нем заключенные получали питание согласно их позиции с Кантина, где только один шар риса и овощей пищи было дано свободно. Все остальное пришлось приобрести, что позволило более богатых заключенных использовать когорты и служащих из заключенных, которые работали на них в обмен на больше пищи. В последние годы это заставило иностранных заключенных, чтобы создавать свои собственные диски благотворительность направлена просто предоставить им достаточно денег для лучшего питания. Эта процедура по-прежнему жестко соблюдается для заключенных фаранг (иностранных).
В мае 2013 года должностные лица Департамента повреждений были заказаны Дика (суд) прекратить эту практику. Всего 563 заключенных (главным образом размещены в Клонг Прем) из СОМ 350000 может быть как половина миллиона от их ноги ювелирных изделий. Это событие широко популярным было ничего, кроме PR con.
Сегодня вспомнил Bang Кван Центральной тюрьмы в популярной культуре Азии как «Большой Тигр» (потому что его тенденции есть и стебель заключенных). Однако на западе, он наиболее известен как «Бангкок Хилтон»; имя, данное в вымышленный тюрьму в популярных австралийских ТВ-шоу (в главных ролях Николь Кидман, Денхолм Эллиот и Хьюго Уивинг), якобы основанный на Bang Кван Центральной тюрьмы. Бангкок Хилтон в Юго-Восточной Азии относится к Klong Кардон

Finally, Fingers crossed, Chinese:
其条件如此苛刻浜广中央监狱,位于泰国曼谷市郊的世界里有少数几个监狱。拉玛五世 (1853年-1910 年),所设想和 1927 年至 1931 年创建。它建成不能普通的监狱,但监狱为最坏的罪犯人正在等待上诉法院和或最大法院,犯人被判继续留在监狱之间 33 + 年来生活和死亡判决犯人等待的句子对于处决。
经过漫长的历史浜广中央监狱成为了泰国和亚洲而享誉世界,造成许多囚犯失去他们的生活或他们的理智的条件恶劣的监狱之一。正式的第一次 3 个月为一名囚犯停留,他们有被栓的脚镣。这会导致严重的精神打击,以及减少移动的能力。判处死刑的犯人链接在一起的脚镣永久,他们遇见他们的末端由行刑队或最近注射之前。在现实中,枷锁继续有效,直至该犯人拥有足够的资金来贿赂螺钉将其删除。
Official Arsehole of Bang Kwang
作为泰国中央监狱之一,邦光常住外国囚犯进行关于可怕条件外回到自己的家园的故事。监狱生活方式的精彩之处是其内部的阶级制度,称为系统。在它,囚犯们得到他们榜小酒馆,在那里只有一碗米饭和蔬菜的食物给出了自由与食品。一切都不得不购买,使富裕的囚犯,聘请组群和佣人囚犯,以换取更多的食物为他们工作。近几年,这迫使外国囚犯建立自己的慈善运动的目的只是为他们提供足够的钱,为更好的食物。此过程为哥们(外交) 囚犯仍成规。
在 2013 年 5 月,在腐败部官员奉命由(最高) 法院停止这种做法。只是 563 的囚犯 (主要位于 Klong Prem) 从 som 350,000 从他们的腿首饰可能多达 50 万。此广泛推广的事件简直就是个公关骗局。
今天浜广中央监狱被铭记在流行文化的亚洲作为"大老虎"(因为它吃和秸秆囚犯的倾向)。然而,在西方,它是最有名的"曼谷希尔顿";给虚构的监狱里受欢迎的澳大利亚电视节目 (主演妮可 · 基德曼,德诺姆 · 埃利奥特和雨果 · 维文) 据称是基于浜广中央监狱的名字。在东南亚的曼谷希尔顿指 Klong Prem.

There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.
其条件如此苛刻浜广中央监狱,位于泰国曼谷市郊的世界里有少数几个监狱。拉玛五世 (1853年-1910 年),所设想和 1927 年至 1931 年创建。它建成不能普通的监狱,但监狱为最坏的罪犯人正在等待上诉法院和或最大法院,犯人被判继续留在监狱之间 33 + 年来生活和死亡判决犯人等待的句子对于处决。
经过漫长的历史浜广中央监狱成为了泰国和亚洲而享誉世界,造成许多囚犯失去他们的生活或他们的理智的条件恶劣的监狱之一。正式的第一次 3 个月为一名囚犯停留,他们有被栓的脚镣。这会导致严重的精神打击,以及减少移动的能力。判处死刑的犯人链接在一起的脚镣永久,他们遇见他们的末端由行刑队或最近注射之前。在现实中,枷锁继续有效,直至该犯人拥有足够的资金来贿赂螺钉将其删除。
作为泰国中央监狱之一,邦光常住外国囚犯进行关于可怕条件外回到自己的家园的故事。监狱生活方式的精彩之处是其内部的阶级制度,称为系统。在它,囚犯们得到他们榜小酒馆,在那里只有一碗米饭和蔬菜的食物给出了自由与食品。一切都不得不购买,使富裕的囚犯,聘请组群和佣人囚犯,以换取更多的食物为他们工作。近几年,这迫使外国囚犯建立自己的慈善运动的目的只是为他们提供足够的钱,为更好的食物。此过程为哥们(外交) 囚犯仍成规。
在 2013 年 5 月,在腐败部官员奉命由(最高) 法院停止这种做法。只是 563 的囚犯 (主要位于 Klong Prem) 从 som 350,000 从他们的腿首饰可能多达 50 万。此广泛推广的事件简直就是个公关骗局。
今天浜广中央监狱被铭记在流行文化的亚洲作为"大老虎"(因为它吃和秸秆囚犯的倾向)。然而,在西方,它是最有名的"曼谷希尔顿";给虚构的监狱里受欢迎的澳大利亚电视节目 (主演妮可 · 基德曼,德诺姆 · 埃利奥特和雨果 · 维文) 据称是基于浜广中央监狱的名字。在东南亚的曼谷希尔顿指 Klong Prem.

There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.
其条件如此苛刻浜广中央监狱,位于泰国曼谷市郊的世界里有少数几个监狱。拉玛五世 (1853年-1910 年),所设想和 1927 年至 1931 年创建。它建成不能普通的监狱,但监狱为最坏的罪犯人正在等待上诉法院和或最大法院,犯人被判继续留在监狱之间 33 + 年来生活和死亡判决犯人等待的句子对于处决。
经过漫长的历史浜广中央监狱成为了泰国和亚洲而享誉世界,造成许多囚犯失去他们的生活或他们的理智的条件恶劣的监狱之一。正式的第一次 3 个月为一名囚犯停留,他们有被栓的脚镣。这会导致严重的精神打击,以及减少移动的能力。判处死刑的犯人链接在一起的脚镣永久,他们遇见他们的末端由行刑队或最近注射之前。在现实中,枷锁继续有效,直至该犯人拥有足够的资金来贿赂螺钉将其删除。
作为泰国中央监狱之一,邦光常住外国囚犯进行关于可怕条件外回到自己的家园的故事。监狱生活方式的精彩之处是其内部的阶级制度,称为系统。在它,囚犯们得到他们榜小酒馆,在那里只有一碗米饭和蔬菜的食物给出了自由与食品。一切都不得不购买,使富裕的囚犯,聘请组群和佣人囚犯,以换取更多的食物为他们工作。近几年,这迫使外国囚犯建立自己的慈善运动的目的只是为他们提供足够的钱,为更好的食物。此过程为哥们(外交) 囚犯仍成规。
在 2013 年 5 月,在腐败部官员奉命由(最高) 法院停止这种做法。只是 563 的囚犯 (主要位于 Klong Prem) 从 som 350,000 从他们的腿首饰可能多达 50 万。此广泛推广的事件简直就是个公关骗局。
今天浜广中央监狱被铭记在流行文化的亚洲作为"大老虎"(因为它吃和秸秆囚犯的倾向)。然而,在西方,它是最有名的"曼谷希尔顿";给虚构的监狱里受欢迎的澳大利亚电视节目 (主演妮可 · 基德曼,德诺姆 · 埃利奥特和雨果 · 维文) 据称是基于浜广中央监狱的名字。在东南亚的曼谷希尔顿指 Klong Prem.

There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.

There are few prisons in the world whose conditions are as harsh as Bang Kwang Central Prison, located at the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.


  1. He was born in 1950, married to a Thai woman, has adopted her four kids, he got busted with 2.4kg of smack.
    Trust me mate, this is common in Thailand, leave well alone.
    You have no idea the minefield you are walking into.

    1. I wish that these Keyboard Warriors would

      A. get their facts straight - my DOB is 1/10/49.
      B. That they would posses a set of cojones and not hide behind a made up name. Clearly he is either: i) someone from the embassy, ii) in need of remedial psychotropic pharmaceuticals provided by a mental health worker, iii) a person of either sex whose mother realised the curse upon humanity she had given birth to and rued the day she declined to self-abort the foetus with a rusty coat hangar.


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