A death Row Interlude
One of the better descriptions that I've seen regarding "Execution Day" comes from Kay Danes' website FPPS. It was posted anonymously - which, in the case of her site is probably a bloody good idea. If the author, whom I suspect to be a Westerner given the level of English used, would care to identify himself to this blog, then I will willingly give him credit for a succinct piece of prose. “Most times we did not know when they were coming. Sometimes they would lock us down early but would use an excuse like important visitors were coming into the building. They would tell us that we had nothing to fear and that we should remain calm. They would always come at 4:30 p.m. and the sound of the steel bars and chains being unlocked and removed from the door would strike fear and terror into the hearts of every man on the Row. The trouble was that those men who had exhausted all possible avenues of reprieve and were on the ‘Blacklist’ were spread equal...