Diary entry from 28/11/11 to 6/7/12

A salutary caution for those who eschew frank discussion about those placed in authority over us, those that believe public servants are altruistic and beyond reproach, those that would deny others dissenting opinions, those that believe they have a GOD given mandate to dictate how others must comport themselves, those that have never read anything beyond Janet & John (UK) or Fun with Dick and Jane (USA), sod off because this blog will only offend you. 

With the obligatory warning for the pansy-waisted whingers out of the way, I can continue onto the meat course of this blog entry.

With sincerest thanks to Wanda and Jake for first class stewardship of the blog; and many other trying  and testing tasks behind the scenes, I'll start pulling my share of the weight.

First though I must bring you all up to speed regarding my comings and goings of the past 5 years. After a suggestion from John Roberts of inside time; www.insidetime.org, a chronology of key events seems the best method. So here goes.

28/11/11 HMP Wandsworth, Sentence remaining to serve: 35+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9.

I have been ghosted - a term that in prison circles means to be unceremoniously transferred from one prison to another without any warning - from Bang Kwang to HMP Wanno. Bang Kwang's affectionate nickname is "Big Tiger". After all, it is a man-eater. Bangkok Hilton, by strict convention, refers to the Lat Yao Gulags of BKK: Klong Prem, The Special Prison, The Women's Prison and Bombat. Folk from 6000 miles away don't appreciate the distinction. Why should they?

A few days later I am verbally informed by a screw that my sentence is 35 and a half years. "You ain't going nowhere, so I ain't going to rush doing your paperwork". I later learn that this prat is from the Offender Management Unit (OMU). Wanker. He manages to completely abrogate his duties and pass the buck onto OMU Whitemoor, depriving me of essential legal information for 5 months.

3/4/12 HMP Whitemoor, Sentence remaining to serve: 35+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9.

A few days ago I was transferred from shitty Wanno to here, a Cat. A establishment, or what "civilians" would regard as Maximum Security. The most endearing feature of Whitemoor is that the cells are single occupancy. As it turns out, Michael Connell was moved from Wanno to here just a few short weeks ago. He and I never saw eye to eye when we were in BK, here in Whitemor we are compatible companions.

For all determinate sentenced prisoners the dates on this document remain constant throughout the duration of their sentence. The screws, and this includes those working in OMU, would not expect them to change in any way at all. This is not so for repatriated prisoners. Our sentences are subject to the laws of the country we've been convicted in.

It is a legal requirement that all inmates have a copy of this document. I've highlighted the first instance of it below.

For OMU this is a matter of grave concern. They hate giving up any degree of control that they exercise over an inmate's time in under lock and key. Typical screw's attitude takes over when this happens, they ignore the occurrence and continue to apply their own, personal, interpretation of what they deem should happen. Forget the rule of law, Human Rights, Habeas Corpus, whatever, OMU is both judge and jury, along with the role of executioner with how, when and where of convict confinement in closed prisons. Staffed mainly by women, misandry is their ticket for  career advancement. At Whitemoor I've been assigned a grossly ugly and corpulently

 fat Offender Supervisor (OS), Sonja Smith. She is typical of the breed. More on her and undeserving Hubby Trevor shortly.

The scuttlebut is that she & Trevor were up to some scam in a London Jail and were hastily shifted here, out of the way, when their nefarious deeds came on top.

There follows a notice issued to convicted inmates giving salient details relating to the sentence that they're expected to serve and the fixed dates when certain milestones regarding probable release from custody will occur on. This is known as the "Release Dates Notification Slip". This was a document that should have been prepared and passed to me in Wanno.

Name:          GARY JONES

NOMS No.  A2573CJ            Prison No.     D38223.           Cell:  WRI-C-2-025
Sentence calculated on 8/1/2012 
Sentence(s)  1/   1         35 years 6 I months 20 days 

Number of days in sentence.                           :   12985
Sentence Expiry Date       (SED Date).           :   20/5/2037
Conditional Release Date (CRD Date).          :   23/8/2024
HDC Eligibility Date        (HDC DATE).       :   29/3/2020
Licence Expiry Date.                                       :  20/5/2037

Calculated:  3/4/12

Over the past 5 years I've received a few of these. Each time I've changed prison and whenever I've benefitted from an amnesty. All of a prisoner's vital statistics are recorded on a system called P/Nomis. The P/Nomis dictates the length and vital statistics of the sentence. It records your behaviour status and class. For example, if you move from Cell A to Cell B, this is recorded. If you go up or down in an IEP classification, (Basic/Standard/or Enhanced) this, too, is recorded on the system. Mendacious and malicious screws often use the P/Nomis system to scupper prisoners. Fake entries are frequently recorded on the system which have a deleterious effect upon the unknowing and unwitting victim. Screws maintain that incorrect entries cannot be corrected. Once entered, the erroneous details remain in place.

Say, for example an inmate was sentenced to 1 year by a court. However the P/Nomis has it down that they are serving 11 years, then getting out before that time takes a very concerted effort on the part of the dupe. Trust me, This was very similar to the cause of my being dumped on the streets of Southwark destitute.

6/7/12 HMP Whitemoor, Sentence remaining to serve: 29+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9.

Name:          GARY JONES

NOMS No.  A2573CJ            Prison No.     D38223.           Cell:  WRI-C-2-012
Sentence calculated on 22/5/2012 
Sentence(s)  1/   1         29 years 7 months 17 days 

Number of days in sentence.                           : 10822
Sentence Expiry Date       (SED Date).           : 16/6/2032
Conditional Release Date (CRD Date).          :  8/3/2022
HDC Eligibility Date        (HDC DATE).       : 12/4/2017
Licence Expiry Date.                                       : 16/6/2032

Finally a panel to assess my suitability for Maximum Security Confinement is called to meet. A problem immediately becomes obvious. Guess who is arrogantly chairing the assembly? You've got it, Jabba the Hutt's very own sister, exuding a trail from her nether regions  and fouling the air with a body odour that would gag a year old corpse, Sonja Smith.

She instigates proceedings by lecturing me that "I'm not in the least concerned with your crap about being subject to foreign laws as to your sentence length. I say how long you're going to be doing banged up, not some fictitious tin pot Monarch of a banana republic you've invented! Youre in England now and I'll tell YOU how we're long going to keep you locked up".

Overall though, despite Jabba the Huttess, Whitemoor of all of the closed prisons I have been has been the best one to date. This is a sentiment expressed by many of those with proper sentences. By comparison with those on ASBO type lengths - anything less than 4 years - they've seldom served sufficient time to complete the first cycle of the 3 Esses: Shit, Shower and Shave.

My usual bromide concerning Messrs. Sue, Grabbit & Runne should be considered if those detailed above believe they've been libeled. Sadly your masters & mistresses won't allow you to get me in court for the fear of the damage I can do to their masters & mistresses with my pen. More's the pity. Enjoy reading and small (50p to £5) donations to my PayPal account - ggjonesbk@googlemail.com - would not go amiss as I've been forced to survive the past 7 weeks on the £46 discharge grant thanks to the malfeasance of those mentioned beforehand.

Dr. Gary Graeme Jones


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