HMP Whitemoor - the first 5 months

I caution all readers of this blog to acquaint themselves with the alert in the opening paragraphs of the diary entry entitled 28/11/11 - 7/7/12.

Continuing til 6/7/12

HMP Whitemoor, Sentence remaining to serve: 29+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9

After a decidedly one sided meeting with La Jabba (my OS, Sonja Smith) during a panel headed by IT to determine my suitability to be moved  to a Cat B prison rather than being held in a maximum security penitentiary, La Jabba rails to a point approaching inchoherence complete with spittle spraying. Fortunately I am out of range of the misted drool.

What I do gather is that it has taken extreme exception to 2 issues: attempts to engage an independent OASYs assessor, Denise Marshall, via my then solicitor,  Karen Rogers (nee Collis) of Tuckers, and that I've instructed Tuckers to seek a Judicial Review challenging that I'm being inappropriately being classified as a moderately high medium risk prisoner. Judicial Reviews are the means by which the alleged miscreant can challenge and possibly reverse an action by a UK court or Civil Service office.

A necessary digression is called for to explain what an OASYs report is and its relevance to all inmates. An OASYs report is a highly subjective analysis of what the compiler instructed to write believes to be ALL of the FACTORS which have led to the offence(s) being committed. OMU are mandated to ensure that this lengthy document is kept current. Prison Service Instructions exist that dictate the frequency for updates. It is an extensive report running to well over 30 - 40 pages. It's more a psychological analysis than anything else. Its main function is to be a predictor of the dangers expected to be unleashed should the malefactor regain their freedom, or be placed in a less secure prison.

This link is provided for those wanting to learn more on the topic: Use the hyperlink on this site's menu page, at the left, to navigate. Click on Protecting the public, thence on How do we assess risk. As this page has been prepared by the Probation Service it glosses over some of the more critical detail. Nevertheless, I would be churlish if I criticised the entry overmuch. It does the job.

Specialist training, lasting several days, is supposedly given to OMU staff. OMU are the WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE for composers of an OASYs report. OMU allege that it takes a week or more to enter the details necessary for an OASYs. With 5 years experience of the UK Prison service - the term "bollocks" comes most readily to mind. From the examples prepared on me, I sincerely doubt if more the 5 hours has ever been expended, let alone 5 days.

3/4/12 HMP Whitemoor, Sentence remaining to serve: 29+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9

A few days before I was transferred from shitty Wanno to here, a Cat. A establishment, or what "civilians" would regard as Maximum Security. The most endearing feature of Whitemoor is that the cells are single occupancy. As it turns out, Michael Connell was moved from Wanno to here just a few short weeks before me. He and I never saw eye to eye when we were in BK, here in Whitemor we are compatible companions and he is good company.

Image result for Michael Connell Bang Kwang
Michael Connell

There follows a notice issued to convicted inmates giving salient details relating to the sentence that they're expected to serve and the fixed dates when certain milestones regarding probable release from custody will occur. This is known as the "Release Dates Notification Slip". For all determinate sentenced prisoners the dates on this document remain constant throughout the duration of their sentence. The screws, and this includes those working in OMU, would not expect these details to change in any way at all. This is not so for repatriated prisoners. Our sentences are subject to the laws of the country we've been convicted in. Therefore should the Head of State of that Country declare a change of sentence, pardon, or any change (other than increasing the sentence which they are forbidden to do) whatsoever, then the change(s) MUST be made within 120 days by the Brits!

For OMU this is a matter of grave concern. They hate giving up any degree of control that they exercise over an inmate's time inside under lock and key.

Typical screw's attitude takes over when this happens, they ignore the occurrence and continue to apply their own, personal, interpretation of what they deem should happen. Forget the rule of law, Human Rights, Habeas Corpus, whatever, OMU is both judge and jury, along with the role of executioner with the how, when and where of convict confinement in closed prisons. Open prisons, as I was later to learn, take their role with concern and evince a desire to treat their charges with equanimity and compassion.

From my experience, OMU is staffed mainly by misandric women. They ain't going to let a minor matter such as an International Treaty stand in the way of male oppression. Within the HMP service this is their ticket for  career advancement. The grossly ugly and corpulently fat Offender Supervisor (OS) assigned me in Whitemoor, Sonja Smith, is typical of the breed.

A tosser of a Wanno (Wandsworth) screw has finally managed to completely abrogate doing his job. He's managed to pass the buck onto OMU Whitemoor. Five months after its due date no less! It is the first Release Dates Notification Slip I've officially received. It arrives 5 months after its due date. This is not misandry on the part of the male screws (other that that word is more correctly: misogyny). Instead it's a natural outpouring of laziness and incompetence expressed by 95% of all screws.

Name:          GARY JONES

NOMS No.  A2573CJ            Prison No.     D38223.           Cell:  WRI-C-2-025
Sentence calculated on 8/1/2012
Sentence(s)  1/   1         35 years 6 months 20 days

Number of days in sentence.                           : 12985
Sentence Expiry Date       (SED Date).           : 20/5/2037
Conditional Release Date (CRD Date).          : 23/8/2024
HDC Eligibility Date        (HDC DATE).       : 29/3/2020
Licence Expiry Date.                                       : 20/5/2037

Calculated:  3/4/12

By now though I am well aware that it's shewing the wrong numbers. My sentence had been reduced by some 6 years during the latter part of  2012. The delivered notification had yet to indicate my new sentence, which should be just shy of 30 years. My fear is that this trend will continue during my enforced imprisonment in the UK. A fear, that over the next 5 years becomes fully justified.

Finally a nearly accurate, but hopelessly late, Release Dates Notification Slip arrives in my cell.

6/7/12 HMP Whitemoor, Sentence remaining to serve: 29+ years. Years incarcerated to date - 9

Name:          GARY JONES

NOMS No.  A2573CJ            Prison No.     D38223.           Cell:  WRI-C-2-012
Sentence calculated on 22/5/2012
Sentence(s)  1/   1         29 years 7 months 17 days

Number of days in sentence.                           : 10822
Sentence Expiry Date       (SED Date).           : 16/6/2032
Conditional Release Date (CRD Date).          :  8/3/2022
HDC Eligibility Date        (HDC DATE).       : 12/4/2017
Licence Expiry Date.        (LED Date).           : 16/6/2032

Calculated:  3/4/12

(Note the change in: Sentence calculated on, Sentence(s), Number of days in sentence and the 4 milestone dates. Note also that the Sentence calculated on HAS NOT CHANGED! OMU always leaves a trail of cock-ups - a bit like the exchange of evidence Forensic Scientists refer to. Cock-ups that I caution cause a great deal of anguish and misery for those that the incompetents are fucking over, as getting HMPPS errors changed requires an Act of a Deity as intercession.

For the most part my convict colleagues are pretty decent guys. However, considering that I left this lean and mordant land some 40 years ago, my mental makeup calcified and reflects those times. Call me racist if you will, but my craw had been well and truly stuffed in Wanno with having to put up with the ASBO Jah-Fake-Ians and the Honky wannabes who think it's "cool" (is that expression still in use?) to emulate them, I am just more comfortable around Educated Caucasians from Western Europe.

In addition, it's these "masterbateurs" who are refusing to integrate with the predominate white community, and for the most part are serving lesser terms. Surely this must be a clear example of how the courts are in fear of being hit with the "race card". Therefore, instead of being sentenced to 30 or more years, the Blacks and Muslims are getting a 10 year advantage.

Over the past 40 years I have lived and worked alongside many diverse ethnic groups. What I have found is that each group have a common perceived view of "life" unique to the society they occupy.

Fact, North Americans think differently from other English language speakers. Ditto S.E. Asians from Western Europeans, Communists from Democrats. Those growing up in the 50s and 60s from other eras have certain fixed attitudes, and I refuse to be different. Like attracts like and the Tony B. Liars of the world are causing not lessening cultural divisions. But this blog is not intended as a treatise on social mores.

My circle of intimates comprises many celebrities. Possibly it is due to a resurgence in popularity of Professor David Wilson of UCE with his excellent and perceptive psychological TV documentaries. Scarce a week passes when I've switched channels to view an account of a mate featured that week. In well over 90% of the broadcasts I agree with David. When it comes to wing mates that I am in close proximity to every day being disparaged by David my hackles are raised.

One very dear friend is my mate, John Sweeny. Now usually I'm 90% behind The Prof. but on the topic of John, David and I are diametrically opposed. Whereas David, as I recall from one of his usually excellent broadcasts, describes John as an unrepentant psychopath capable of the most heinous atrocities, I find him a gentle, gifted artistically, soul as well as being a staunch and generous friend.

With the benefit of hindsight I can categorically say that, provided the large number sentences don't scare you, which would have to be 30 years or more, if you are to serve time in an HMP establishment, then  Dispersal (Cat A) prisons are the way to go. As a generalisation, only either end of the prisons' spectrum, are where the best of cons and best of screws are to be found.

My usual bromide concerning Messrs Sue, Grabbit and Runne should be considered if those detailed above believe they've been libelled. Sadly your Masters and Mistresses won't allow you to get me in court for the fear of the damage I can do to their Masters and Mistresses with my pen. More's the pity.

Enjoy reading. A small (50p to £5) donation to my PayPal account - - would not go amiss as I've been forced to survive the past 7 weeks on the £46 discharge grant thanks to the malfeasance of those mentioned beforehand, and every little will help me survive the next 2 months.

Dr. Gary Graeme Jones.


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